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Tier1 is an object tag associated with furniture crafted using Iron Bars. Unlike higher tier tags, tier1 is not a required object tag for spawning guard tenants.


Object Category Blocks Description Tags
Iron Bed Icon.png Iron Bed Furniture 12 A common iron bed. misctier1
Iron Chair Icon.png Iron Chair Furniture 6 A simple iron chair. misctier1
Iron Door Icon.png Iron Door Door 5 A basic iron door. doortier1
Iron Lantern Icon.png Iron Lantern Light Source 2 A handy oil lantern. Careful not to spill it. lighttier1
Iron Lever Icon.png Iron Lever Wire 4 A sturdy iron lever. Perfect for pulling. wiredtier1
Iron Spotlight Icon.png Iron Spotlight Light Source 1 This soft light is useful for illuminating small areas. tier1light
Iron Table Icon.png Iron Table Furniture 10 A simple iron table. commercetier1
Iron Tech Chest Icon.png Iron Tech Chest Storage 4 A chest with bright glowing markings throughout. storagetier1